Much Ado about Mobile Website

thum_05 In a previous article we brushed over the general points of why one should invest in adapting their website to mobile devices but now where going to look at the reasons why in greater depth. As previously stated more and more people are using mobile devices, smartphones and tablets in particular, have been predicted as the means to access the web and now they have. In response to the rise of mobile devices with internet access the amount of money spent on mobile advertising was as high as three point three billion in 2011 and is expected to be as high as about twenty in 2015. So with all of that data its fairly easy to argue that having a mobile web presence for your site will do you a lot of good.

As we talked about in a previous article not having a mobile adapted site is that your users will have to constantly fidget with the size of the screen in order to read text and interact with the site features. This can be frustrating and tedious for the user and will discourage seasoned or new users from visiting your site. This can be a killer for your business especially as sixty-seven percent of internet users are more likely to make purchases on mobile friendly sites. So don’t risk getting left behind competitors how are going to gain a tech edge on you for staying in the marketing era of the nineties upgrade your website today.

And of course Agency850 has a great team of mobile website developers to help you produce a new or adapt your old website to be more friendly towards mobile devices. No matter what your budget or design specifications we‘ll be happy to turn your site into a slick mobile layout consumers will love using. Feel free to get in touch with us through our contact page.

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